Wednesday, 22 February 2012

 The technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exchange:
  1. Netflix
  2. Macs
  3. PSPs
  4. Xbox
  5. LoveFilm

Monday, 20 February 2012

Here is another short clip which shows a relationship between two individuals (female and male).
 Here is a short clip which relates to the topic of sexuality.
I've decided to pick cinemas in London.

  1. 64 screenings over the weekend.
  2. 68 films are being shown in total.
  3. The woman in black, The vow and Safe house (4 times).
  4. All are being shown.
  5. 4% (68 divided by 15)
  6. -
  7. Film distribution in the UK is very alike in terms of the times they show the film and when they show it aswell.
  1. No screenings over the weekend.
  2. 119 films are being exhibited.
  3. 3 times on average.
  4. All of them.
  5. 30 (119 divided by 4)
  6. -
  7. Film distribution in the UK always releases films which are 2D and 3D. They film is also shown roughly about 4 or more times during the day.
  1. 18 screenings.
  2. 36 films are being exhibited.
  3. The majority of them.
  4. All of them.
  5. 7 (36 divided by 5)
  6. -
  7. Film distribution in the UK is very similar in terms of the amount of times they might show a film in a day or at the weekend.
  1. 14 screenings.
  2. 10 films are being exhibited.
  3. Between 4-6 times.
  4. All of them.
  5. There is only one unique screening.
  6. -
  7. Films are in the cimema for at least a minimum of a month.

  1. 3 screenings.
  2. 8 films are being exhibited.
  3. Between 3-5.
  4. All of them.
  5. There is only one unique screening.
  6. -
  7. In the UK depending on how popular the cinema is and how many people go to the cinema the number of screenings either increases or decreases.