Tuesday, 13 December 2011

We watched 'Seven' today which was very interesting especially because of the ending, which Ms.Foster thinks is the best, and I don't blame her because it wasn't predictable like most endings to a film and also we were told to watch 'This Is England' tonight (TV drama series) which sounds overly disturbing, but I guess this is the life of a media student....
Last Friday (9-12-11) my group went out to film which was very good apart from the fact that we were freezing cold!!! We are going to upload some footage real soon and edit it aswell.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Yesterday 30-11-11 we went to Southbank (BFI) so that we could get more information about film openings. We met Dexter Fletcher which was very interesting because we got to ask him questions, and we also met someone who specialises in the visual effects area. Also Pete (the examiner) was there and he showed us a few film openings which we had to grade. This was very good because it gave us an idea of what to do and what not to do.