Tuesday 29 November 2011

On 25-11-11 Mac 2 filmed part of our film opening in Wood Green. We got some good clips, but we're not too sure about using them. We're using them as practise clips for our real 2 min opening.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Today we discussed the location of where we're going to be filming our two min opening. We are going to film some footage for our film tomorrow.

Monday 7 November 2011

On Saturday (5-11-11) we got some footage of the fireworks and we may use some of it in our two minute opening for our film.
On Thursday (3-11-11) we edited our video (practice) and also talked about getting some footage for our two min opening.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Positive representations for youth: Academic, hardworking, active, sociable, modern and volatile.

Positive representations for old people: Caring, kind, wise, settled, authoritative and stable.

Negative representations for youth: Lazy, ignorant, noisy, intimidating, frivalous, sexualised, associated with drugs, alcohol, violence. Headonistic, rude, dependent, hoodies, teen pregnancy and asbos.

Negative representations for old people: Grumpy, anti-youths, rude, traditional, arrogant, weak, slow, boring, vulnerable, dependent, fragile, smelly, racist and mentally incompetent.

Binary opposition: If one thing is something then the other thing is the opposite.
Today my group discussed our location and more ideas for our two minute film opening. We've decided on our location and our planning to film it this week. Hope it goes well!