Tuesday, 13 December 2011

We watched 'Seven' today which was very interesting especially because of the ending, which Ms.Foster thinks is the best, and I don't blame her because it wasn't predictable like most endings to a film and also we were told to watch 'This Is England' tonight (TV drama series) which sounds overly disturbing, but I guess this is the life of a media student....
Last Friday (9-12-11) my group went out to film which was very good apart from the fact that we were freezing cold!!! We are going to upload some footage real soon and edit it aswell.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Yesterday 30-11-11 we went to Southbank (BFI) so that we could get more information about film openings. We met Dexter Fletcher which was very interesting because we got to ask him questions, and we also met someone who specialises in the visual effects area. Also Pete (the examiner) was there and he showed us a few film openings which we had to grade. This was very good because it gave us an idea of what to do and what not to do.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

On 25-11-11 Mac 2 filmed part of our film opening in Wood Green. We got some good clips, but we're not too sure about using them. We're using them as practise clips for our real 2 min opening.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Today we discussed the location of where we're going to be filming our two min opening. We are going to film some footage for our film tomorrow.

Monday, 7 November 2011

On Saturday (5-11-11) we got some footage of the fireworks and we may use some of it in our two minute opening for our film.
On Thursday (3-11-11) we edited our video (practice) and also talked about getting some footage for our two min opening.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Positive representations for youth: Academic, hardworking, active, sociable, modern and volatile.

Positive representations for old people: Caring, kind, wise, settled, authoritative and stable.

Negative representations for youth: Lazy, ignorant, noisy, intimidating, frivalous, sexualised, associated with drugs, alcohol, violence. Headonistic, rude, dependent, hoodies, teen pregnancy and asbos.

Negative representations for old people: Grumpy, anti-youths, rude, traditional, arrogant, weak, slow, boring, vulnerable, dependent, fragile, smelly, racist and mentally incompetent.

Binary opposition: If one thing is something then the other thing is the opposite.
Today my group discussed our location and more ideas for our two minute film opening. We've decided on our location and our planning to film it this week. Hope it goes well!

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Today we talked more about our film openings as a group and came up with a few ideas. We thought it would be good to have a black and white shot on the main character and colour on the rest of the people in a busy location, to put the focus on the main character.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Today in Media we practised an exam question which wasn't as bad as I thought, and we also completed our three treatments.
Here are our three treatments:

Romance: When the wind is blowing in your face and the whole world is on your case, Georgia Banton and Luke Brown will always have each other come what may.

Scary: Everybody has walked home at night, but what would you do when the voices in your head no longer want to be ignored? Laugh? Cry?

Comedy: Walking down the street. You see a clown. Walking down the street, you see a cat. Wait, this is stupid. Get in the bin!

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Today we talked about film openings in a bit more detail, and we also looked at a film opening which gave us some ideas of what we could do in our film. We also looked at film reviews that were written using no more than 25 words which was exciting.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

On 6-10-2011 my group worked on our practice/freestyle video. We edited it by adding music, transitions and various other techniques. We also worked on our outtakes for our preliminary which was very funny.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Graphic match is making the final shot of one sequence similar to the first shot of the next which can help to both smooth the transition between the two and link them.
Crosscutting is an editing technique most often used in films to show action occuring at the same time in two different locations.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Today we got our video camera and our flip (other recording device). We went around the school and in the car park filming ourselves, and then later uploaded everything onto the iMacs. Also, today we edited our preliminary and it was very entertaining watching the outakes.
Eyeline match is an edit that cuts from a character to whatever that character is looking at.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

On 29-09-11 we finished recodring the other groups preliminary, and afterwards we started to edited our preliminary on the Macs. It was great fun!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Today in Media we recorded our preliminary, and uploaded it onto the iMacs. Later on we are going to edit them.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Today in Media we watched students two minute opening for a film, and I enjoyed it!